
sr-RS Default locale
- Fallback locales


Defined 62

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
sr-RS messages 1 general.noscriptNotice Da bi koristili sve Shopware 6 mogućnosti preporučujemo da aktivirate Javascript u svom pretraživaču.
sr-RS messages 2 topBar.location Location
sr-RS messages 6 account.myAccount Vaš nalog
sr-RS messages 5 account.loginSubmit Prijavite se
sr-RS messages 4 general.offcanvasCloseMenu Zatvori meni
sr-RS messages 2 account.orRegister ili
sr-RS messages 4 account.orRegisterLink Registruj se
sr-RS messages 4 account.overviewLink Pregled
sr-RS messages 4 account.profileLink Vaš profil
sr-RS messages 4 account.addressLink Adrese
sr-RS messages 4 account.ordersLink Narudžbe
sr-RS messages 3 header.logoLink Nazad na naslovnu stranu
sr-RS messages 1 general.homeLink Početna stranica
sr-RS messages 2 header.searchPlaceholder Unesite termin za pretragu...
sr-RS messages 2 header.searchButton Prеtraži
sr-RS messages 1 general.menuLink Meni
sr-RS messages 2 checkout.cartTitle Korpa
sr-RS messages 3 general.back Nazad
sr-RS messages 1 general.showCategory Prikaži Proizvodi
sr-RS messages 1 general.loginRegister Prijavljivanje / registracija
sr-RS messages 6 general.previous Prethodno
sr-RS messages 6 Slеdеćе
sr-RS messages 4 component.cms.imageGallery.sliderDotLabel Prikaži sliku 1 2
sr-RS messages 1 detail.ean EAN
sr-RS messages 1 detail.orderNumber Broj proizvoda
sr-RS messages 1 detail.contactText Još uvek niste pronašli pravi proizvod, imate posebne zahteve ili ste zainteresovani za pojedinačna rešenja? <a href="124c71d524604ccbad6042edce3ac799/landingPage/018b14ce83c1703f8b264ade6cc77417#" title="Kontaktformular">Kontaktirajte nas</a>.
sr-RS messages 1 detail.priceOnRequestTitle Cena na zahtev
sr-RS messages 1 detail.qte Količina
sr-RS messages 3 detail.addProduct Dodaj u korpu
sr-RS messages 2 detail.tabs.downloads Preuzimanje
sr-RS messages 2 detail.tabs.performance Performanse
sr-RS messages 2 kuciste
sr-RS messages 2 Tocak
sr-RS messages 2 Prilagođavanje
sr-RS messages 2 Osnovni atributi
sr-RS messages 1 Preuzimanje
sr-RS messages 1 detail.cadService.title CAD usluga
sr-RS messages 1 detail.cadService.headline Možete preuzeti podatke o izgradnji za ovaj proizvod u različitom formatu
sr-RS messages 1 detail.cadService.login Molim <a href="/sr-rs/account/login">Login</a> da biste videli CAD datoteke
sr-RS messages 1 Performanse
sr-RS messages 1 detail.performance.roll Performanse kotrljanja
sr-RS messages 1 detail.performance.movement Buka u pokretu
sr-RS messages 1 detail.performance.atrittion aritmija
sr-RS messages 1 detail.performance.resistance otpornost na rdju
sr-RS messages 1 kuciste
sr-RS messages 1 Tocak
sr-RS messages 1 Prilagođavanje
sr-RS messages 1 Osnovni atributi
sr-RS messages 44 listing.boxProductDetails Detalji
sr-RS messages 44 listing.boxAddProduct Dodaj u korpu
sr-RS messages 1 footer.socialMediaHeadline Socijalni
sr-RS messages 1 footer.copyrightInfo Copyright © 2023 by TENTE International GmbH. All rights reserved. Designed by TENTE International GmbH
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleChose Choose your location
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleAfrica Africa
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleAsia Asia
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleAustralia Australia
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleEurope Europe
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleNAmerica North America
sr-RS messages 1 switcher.titleSAmerica South America
sr-RS messages 81 zeobv-store-switcher.modal.suggestLabel (suggested)
sr-RS messages 1 nimbits-pricerequests.finish.alert Zahtev je uspešno poslat
sr-RS messages 1 Zahtev nije poslat - došlo je do greške. Pokušajte ponovo.

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 3

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
sr-RS messages 1
sr-RS messages 1 footer.serviceHotlineEmail footer.serviceHotlineEmail
sr-RS messages 1 footer.phoneNumber footer.phoneNumber