Gender Equality
(Goal #5)
As outlined in 5.5 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, we are dedicated to "ensuring women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life."
To facilitate the continuous growth and progress of our company, we champion equal rights and opportunities for all within TENTE. Regardless of gender, religion, cultural background, or any other factor, every TENTE employee enjoys the same rights and privileges. Our commitment to this ethical responsibility is transparently communicated throughout the company, aligning with our Leadership Wheel guideline for ethical conduct and company values. This approach fosters an internal environment that enhances work ethics and, in turn, positively influences our broader social responsibilities. To further solidify our commitment, we have established the sustainability goals in our code of conduct.
In line with our commitment to diversity and equal opportunities, we have placed a particular focus on promoting women within our ranks. We recognise that the skills and talents of women are invaluable and we actively seek to empower and support them in their professional journeys. Within TENTE, women hold key leadership positions across various departments, making meaningful contributions to the success of our company.
At TENTE, we believe that empowering women and promoting diversity within our workforce not only strengthens our company but also contributes to the advancement of society as a whole. We are committed to championing these values and will continue to actively support and nurture the talents and skills of all our employees, regardless of their background or gender, to ensure a brighter and more inclusive future for all.
Responsible Consumption and Production
(Goal #12)
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals 12.5 and 12.6 call for a substantial reduction in waste generation and the promotion of sustainable practices and reporting integration.
To meet these goals, we rely on innovative thinking and sophisticated technical developments, alongside state-of-the-art materials sourced from the highest quality raw materials. Our sustainable solutions not only meet stringent environmental standards but also take into account the specific conditions of use in various areas. We actively manage our carbon footprint, practice effective waste management, engage in recycling initiatives, and ensure responsible energy consumption. Sustainability is ingrained in our production and product development processes as a natural and imperative part of our commitment.
In our continuous quest for environmentally friendly solutions, we have developed our pioneering product - Anika evo, a castor made from up to 98% biomass materials. This groundbreaking initiative significantly reduces our carbon footprint by an astonishing 60%.
When it comes to steel sheet production, we leave no room for waste. Every leftover material from production is thoroughly collected and forwarded for recycling. The same applies to granulate. In this way, we ensure that nothing is wasted, as we firmly believe that "waste is only waste when you put it to waste". And we are committed to making the most of every resource.
One of our subsidiaries in France shows how we are implementing goal #12 for responsible consumption and production. This subsidiary has made significant progress in reducing its energy consumption for air conditioning by implementing innovative solutions. These include covering their roofs with shells to avoid excessive heat, replacing windows to increase cooling efficiency and creating a more comfortable working environment for their employees. These measures not only improve the well-being of the staff, but also make a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption for air conditioning, which in turn lowers the overall energy requirement.
At TENTE, we are dedicated to leaving a positive impact on the environment and the communities we serve. Through our unwavering commitment to sustainability and our pioneering initiatives, we strive for a greener, more sustainable future for all.
Climate Action
(Goal #13)
In accordance with Goal 13.2 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, we are dedicated to "integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning."
In an era where responsible stewardship of the environment is of paramount importance, TENTE places great emphasis on climate action. We have been instrumental in raising awareness regarding climate change and sustainability. Our efforts extend to aligning our policies and strategies with measures to combat climate change, fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
At TENTE, our commitment to sustainability extends to our entire global network of subsidiaries. One example of this commitment is the widespread installation of solar panels in our facilities. One example is the TENTE International campus, where the electricity of all vehicle charging stations is provided by solar panels, making an impressive contribution to our sustainability goals. In fact, these panels account for a remarkable 50% of the electricity used on campus, underlining our unwavering commitment to clean energy solutions.
In addition, as part of our ongoing sustainability efforts, we have introduced a new policy that promotes the use of electric company cars. However, we have taken a responsible approach that ensures that the infrastructure in the respective countries where our subsidiaries are located supports this transition. With this policy, we want to reduce our carbon footprint and promote the use of electric vehicles in a way that is both environmentally friendly and practical. In this way, we are making a further contribution to the global transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.